Transfer all your wealth – including your business – to your next generation – estate tax free!
A Short History
First and foremost, Irv Blackman — both a CPA and a lawyer — is a tax guy.
Irv currently is the President of WCPN, LLC and chairman of the board of the New Century Bank, Chicago, Illinois. Irv is also a founding partner of Blackman Kallick Bartelstein, LLP (B/K), CPAs. Over the years, the firm grew from four people to 195 today.

Irv has served as a CPA in Marco Island, Naples, Florida, as well as Chicago, Illinois. However, he has helped people from all different areas of the Country.
But back in the 70’s a traumatic experience changed Irv’s professional life. And could impact your life.
Briefly, here’s how it happened. While at B/K, one of Irv’s clients (Jack) started his business in a rented garage. Jack struggled for 21 years before becoming wealthy. Very wealthy. But when he died, the estate tax bill almost bankrupted Jack’s family. The business had to be sold. Who was at fault? Simply, the estate planning lawyer — supposedly one of the best — had bungled Jack’s estate plan.
Irv was young, but he vowed it would never happen to one of his clients again. He studied the estate tax law with a vengeance. After he became a recognized expert, he became a one-man gang educating others: by the written word and the spoken word.
Today, Irv is the most published CPA in the country. He has written 28 tax books. His monthly tax column appears in 57 trade journals. He has given hundreds of tax seminars from coast to coast, mostly to audiences of business owners and other professional estate planners.
vape shops okcThe Network Changes the Estate Planning Profession
Early on, Irv realized B/K couldn’t handle all the complexities — required to do estate planning the right way — alone. So, he formed A Network of dedicated and knowledgeable professionals (lawyers, CPAs, insurance consultants and others) to help him.
Finally, after a decade of exhaustive research, B/K (the nation’s 26th largest CPA firm), led by Irv Blackman, and working with The Network broke through the conventional estate tax planning paradigm. They created an innovative and organized System that concentrates on transferring your wealth (every dime of it), intact, to your family. Reducing YOUR estate tax is now a secondary issue.
WCPN now uses The System for its clients. Over the years, Irv while at B/K, WCPN and Irv’s Network have helped over 1000 business owners legally avoid the estate tax monster.
The secrets used by WCPN and The Network are revealed in Irv’s latest Manual/Book, “Tax Secrets of the Wealthy.” The Manual/Book now in its fourth edition, is sought after by three groups of people:
- The wealthy.
- Those who would like to be wealthy and need a tax roadmap to guide them.
- Professionals — mostly CPAs, lawyers, and insurance consultants — who serve the first two groups.
If you would like to learn more about the Manual/Book, please Click Here (to go to “At Last, a Manual/Book That Puts You — Not the IRS — in the Driver’s Seat”)
Irv shares the podium at a tax seminar with President Bush in Austin, TexasTax-Killing Results
Wealthy by Any Definition
On the Road to Wealth
Applying The System to the Mega-Wealthy
New Estate Tax Law
Confusion, Yet Opportunity
How to Plan Your Estate